1. Check in time is 1400hrs & check out time is 1200hrs.
2. Hotel will not be responsible for any valuables left by guest in the room.
3. I/We agree to pay all charges incurred by me during my stay in the hotel.
4. I/We further agree to keep the hotel identified for any damages caused by us or our visitors.
5. Any change in plan of stay to be intimated 48 hrs. prior else he She would be charged in full.
6. Storing of goods of hazardous combustible nature in guest rooms is strictly prohibited.
7. The management reserves to itself the absolute right of admission of any person in the hotel.
8. I / We be beamed to have agreed to accept the above terms & conditions and the policy of the hotel.
9. All disputes are subject to the civil court of Pithoragarh (UK) only.
10. Room key should be returned at check out, if lost or misplaced the amount of Rs.500 shall be charged.
11.100% advanced will be required for all guest upon check in.
12. No pets allowed.
13. Visitors are not allowed in hotel due to corona.
14. Smoking not allowed in our property. If find Rs.1000 will be fined.
15. Loud music not allowed in Room.
16. Outside Eatables are not allowed.